RSUD Dr. H Jusuf SK Add Oncology And Chemotherapy Surgery Services For Early Cancer Detection
Umah Umah Umum Daerah (RSUD) dr. H Jusuf SK/ISTIMEWA

TARAKAN - Regional General Hospital (RSUD) dr. H Jusuf SK now provides oncology surgery services.

Oncology surgery services are services for patients who experience tumor disease in various organs of the body such as head, neck, parotic glands, tissue in the skin or under the skin, breasts, and tumors in the skin.

Previously, cancer patients from this area had to be referred to cities such as Samarinda, Balikpapan, or Makassar for treatment. However, currently RSUD dr. H Jusuf SK has prepared oncology and chemotherapy surgery services.

This provides benefits for patients, as they can undergo treatment and monitoring at local hospitals without the need to travel long distances.

Oncology Surgeon Specialist, dr. Arif Kurniawan, Sp.B (k) Onk, stressed to the public not to worry if they find lumps around their necks, breasts, parotic glands, skin, or under the skin. He reminded that it is very important to immediately consult a doctor, even if the lump is very small.

In addition, Dr. Arif Kurniawan, Sp.B (k) Onk, also explained that oncology surgery has an important role in the implementation of chemotherapy.

"Chemotherapy is a type of systemic therapy in which drugs are injected through blood vessels to act as agents of destruction of tumors or cancers," he explained, Wednesday (3/11/2023).

Early detection is very crucial in treating this disease. Even the slightest lump, whether it's in the breast, head, neck, must be examined by a doctor immediately.

This is important because the doctor will conduct an examination to determine the direction and characteristics of the lump. Therefore, he reminded the public, especially residents of North Kalimantan (Kaltara), about the importance of awareness in early detection of this disease.

"Each bump is called a tumor. Tumors are divided into two types, namely tame tumors and malignant tumors. However, it is important to remember that not every lump means cancer. When there is a lump, a biopsy procedure will usually be performed to take samples or body fluids, which are then sent to the laboratory to determine the results. If the results show a tame tumor, it means that the condition is not temporary cancer if the biopsy results indicate a malignant tumor, that's what cancer is called," he said.

Therefore, it is very important to focus on early detection. The lumps detected at the early stages, when they were young and not yet spread, have better healing opportunities. Unfortunately, people often tend to be reluctant to go to doctors when they find lumps, because they may be afraid or worried.

For example, lumps in the breasts are often ignored because of the fear of consulting a doctor.

As a result, these lumps can develop and spread to other organs, such as the lungs, bones, or the brain. When it reaches that stage, the treatment becomes much more difficult.

"However, if the lump is still in its early stages and is treated immediately, there is a high possibility for a more effective cure," he said.

This disease has various causes. As many as 20 percent of cases were caused by genetic changes inherited from the elderly, while the remaining 80 percent were influenced by an unhealthy lifestyle.

Habits such as lack of sleep, staying up late, consuming fast food (junk food, ed), and food with preservatives can weaken the immune system, which in turn increases the risk of this disease.

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