NJOP Has Not Agreed Yet, Bogor DPRD Postpones Exchange Of SMPN 3 Gunungputri Land
Illustration of files or documents has not been signed. (Arisa Chattasa-Unsplash)

BOGOR - Chairman of the Bogor Regency DPRD Rudy Susmanto postponed the ruislag process or exchange of land for SMPN 3 Gunungputri, Bogor Regency, with land owned by PT KSP.

Rudy revealed that the price of the Tax Object Selling Value (NJOP) with a land area did not match the reason the rolling exchange process had to be postponed.

"The area of land and NJOP for SMPN 3 Gunungputri which will be traced or exchanged overflows with PT KSP's land in Ciangsana Village, I asked to postpone it," he said in Cibinong, Bogor Regency, Wednesday, November 8, which was confiscated by Antara.

He admitted that he had explained the reason to the special committee (Pansus) Ruislag SMPN 3 Gunungputri DPRD Bogor Regency. Moreover, he said, it has the potential to cause state losses.

"If there is a potential loss to the state, I will not sign it. I ask that it be adjusted to PT KSP's method of increasing the area of land that will be exchanged for SMPN 3 Gunungputri land so that the value is appropriate and the land must be in one plot," he said.

The Special Committee for Ruislag SMPN 3 Gunung Putri DPRD together with the Head of the Bogor Regency Education Office and the Head of Ciangsana Village have visited two lands that will be exchanged for overthrows.

The discourse of exchanging rolls was sticking out because the SMPN 3 Gunungputri building often flooded during heavy rain.

Rudy said that if the land exchange process for SMPN 3 Gunungputri was canceled, there would be more efforts to anticipate flood natural disasters in the school.

"The Bogor Regency Government has previously built a drain, but if there must be more effort to anticipate the flood natural disaster in the school, we will carry it out," he said.

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