Fire Anwar Usman From The Chief Justice Of The Constitutional Court, Chairman Of Commission III Of The DPR 'Raise A Hat' For MKMK
Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives Bambang Wuryanto alias Bambang Pacul (Tsa Tsia/VOI)

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives Bambang Wuryanto alias Bambang Pacul took a hat for the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) who dared to make a firm decision by firing Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman. MKMK decided that Anwar violated serious ethics related to conflicts of interest in the decision of the Election Law regarding the minimum age requirements for vice presidential candidates. The Constitutional Court also decided that 6 MK judges violated ethics and were sanctioned with verbal warnings.

"We have followed the MKMK trial process together openly. Anyone can follow and feel the dialectic as well as the dynamics of the trial process," Bambang told reporters, Tuesday, November 7.

"This is really a lesson for every child of the nation who is interested in the performance of the Indonesian Constitutional Court Judge. This is very good," he continued.

"As Chairman of Commission III, I express my gratitude and appreciation to the Chief Justice of the MKMK who led the trial well and took his decision openly," he added. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) Jimly Asshiddiqie conveyed that the constitutional judge reported could not appeal the Constitutional Court's ethical decision and sanctions read out today.

This was conveyed by the Chief Justice of the MKMK Jimly Asshiddiqie who first explained the sanctions imposed on the constitutional judge reported by the Constitutional Court Regulation (PMK).

"What applies is decided. We have explained, we have the same opinion. If the sanction is how to determine the PMK: dishonorable dismissal from members, then it is required, given the opportunity for the appeals panel, for which the appeals panel was formed based on PMK," said Jimly at the Constitutional Court Building, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Tuesday 7 November.

However, the Constitutional Court believes that the appeal makes the principles used in the execution of the Constitutional Court's decision uncertain. Considering the stages and schedule for the 2024 General Election that have been agreed in sight, the Constitutional Court has also taken a stand on this matter.

"Making the Honorary Council (MKMK) decision is uncertain, while we are facing a process of preparing for the near general election. We need fair certainty, not to cause problems that result in an unpeaceful, unreliable election process," he said.

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