Ribut Gegara Rejects Work, Driller Hits Wife's Head With A Block Until It's Covered In Blood
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TANGERANG How could Sinardiansyah (32), he abused his wife with wooden blocks until her head was injured. Even though what his wife did, motivated Sinardiansyah, namely to receive a job from her friend.

Cisoka Police Chief AKP Eldi confirmed the incident. The incident occurred in the Cisoka area, Tangerang Regency, Friday, October 6.

Eldi explained that Sinardiansyah works as a drill, he is invited by his friend to work in a company. However, said Eldi, Sinardianyah refused.

Sinardiansyah's wife alias the victim, motivated her to accept the job. But Sinardiansyah was actually emotional. Furious with his wife, he beat his wife.

"The perpetrator took a block and hit the victim many times. As a result, the victim suffered a leak in his head and arm. He had bruises on his right eye," Eldi said when confirmed, Thursday, November 2.

After his wife's abuse, the perpetrator fled. Neighbors of the victim who knew about the incident immediately entered the house and saw that the victim was covered in blood.

Sigap, the victim's neighbor took him to the hospital for medical treatment at the Balaraja Hospital.

"After that, Sinardiansyah fled. Ismail (the victim's neighbor) saw that the victim's condition was covered in blood. He contacted the head of the RT and took him to Balaraja Hospital for medical help," he said.

The police who received the information immediately pursued the perpetrator. Luckily, Sinardiansyah was arrested by the joint team.

"The perpetrator has been named a suspect and detained. In this case, the perpetrator was charged with Article 351 Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code concerning Serious Persecution," he concluded.

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