Prior To The Incident, The Witness Of The Explosion In South Jakarta Admitted That He Found A Red And White Cable
The location of the explosion (Muhamad Jehan)

The explosion that occurred on Jalan Tangkuban Boat number 02, RT 07, Guntur Village, Setiabudi, South Jakarta still raises questions. The reason is that until now, there has been no mention of the cause of the explosion.

The witness to the explosion, Marlan, admitted that he saw the cables at the scene. However, he did not dare to put the cables on the object suspected of being the bomb.

"Yes (the cable was found) yes, just look at it at first glance because it's still focused on work," said Marlan when confirmed, Saturday, October 21.

He said the cables were red and white. However, because he was focusing on work, he was not too curious about the cables.

"The cable (color) is red and white," he said.

Regarding the explosion, Marlan admitted that he heard very loudly. Therefore, he did not know the injuries suffered by his friend, because he was corrupted in the sound of the explosion.

"Wow, that's really fast," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that the explosion that killed one construction worker in the home project of Jalan Tangkuban Boat No.02, RT 07, Guntur Village, Setiabudi, South Jakarta allegedly came from the remaining explosives buried at the crime scene (TKP).

Yoyon, one of the residents around the crime scene, said he suspected that the explosion that occurred this afternoon, Wednesday, October 18, was the remains of a homemade bomb.

Yoyon told, on May 10, 2001, there was a foundation containing students from Aceh who were strongly suspected of assembling bombs. At that time, there was also an explosion. The location, next to the house that exploded at this time.

Yoyon believes that today's explosion was closely related to the 2001 explosion where students kept explosives not far from today's explosion site.

The name is the Iskandar Muda Foundation, it contains Acehnese students who attended school in Jakarta, in the past. It is known that they are terrorist in assembling bombs," Yoyon said when met at the location, Wednesday, October 18.

"(The perpetrator) Dies by suicide, it explodes. He is assembling a bomb that exploded. Now, what is now exploding, is it fitting to assemble (the former) and keep it next to the house that has exploded now. I think so," said Yoyon.

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