In The Aftermath Of The Constitutional Court's Decision On The Age Limit For Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidates, LaNyalla Mattalitti Concerned State Institutions Trapped In Politics
LaNyalla Mattalitti is concerned about the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the age limit for the presidential and vice presidential candidates. (IST)

JAKARTA - Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra's statement revealing an unusual maneuver in the decision-making process at the Constitutional Court regarding the judicial review of the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates received the spotlight of DPD RI Chairman AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti.

According to him, this shows that Indonesia is increasingly in a state crisis, because all institutions are already in practical politics. Including constitutional judges. Saldi Isra Constitutional Justice's statement shows that the Constitutional Court, as the guardian of the constitution, has been polluted by political traditions. This is certainly very bad for Indonesia," said LaNyalla in a written statement received by VOI on October 17.

LaNyalla added, since Indonesia embraced the liberal system, with the direct presidential and regional head elections and the dominance of political parties as sovereignty holders, this country has increasingly lost its identity, and the values of civilization, ethics and morals.

A country that adheres to liberalism and is dragged into a neoliberal and capitalistic economy, must be marked by a victory over idealism. That is a principle. So that Indonesian political behavior is increasingly baseless, and gets an introduction from the elite. People continue to be given such poor performances and examples," explained LaNyalla.

Figures who are keen to fight for Indonesia to return to the state system according to the formulation of the founding fathers of the nation also mentioned the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates. According to him, Indonesia is a big country, which was born from the great civilization of the kingdom and the Sultanate of the Archipelago. Cannot be equated with small countries in Europe or Scandinavia.

So that Indonesian leaders need mature and mature people of age. Because this country is based on God, it is a tradition in the understanding of religion, that a person's mature age must also be a reference. Don't be hit, just hit the chromo. This is not a country of joy and trial," he concluded.

Therefore, continued LaNyalla, it is time for Indonesia to realize that the current system is getting more and more remote and leaves Pancasila. So it must return to the basic philosophy of this country. The system formulated by the nation's founders is not a New Order system, but a pure Pancasila democratic system that has never been implemented properly," he concluded.

As previously reported, Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra admitted that there was a strange incident in the decision of the 90/PUU-XXI/2023 case regarding the presidential-cawapres age limit lawsuit.

"Since setting foot as a Constitutional Justice on April 11, 2017 or about six and a half years ago, this is the first time I have experienced an extraordinary strange event," said Saldi while reading the dissenting opinion in the decision, Monday, October 16, 2023.

Saldi continued, in the judge's deliberation meeting to decide the first batch case on September 19, 2023, Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman did not participate in deciding the case.

"As a result, six constitutional judges agreed to reject and position Article 169 letter q of Law 7 of 2017 as an open legal policy for legislators," said Saldi.

Furthermore, in the second wave of cases, namely cases 90/PUU-XXI/2023 and 91/PUU-XXI/2023, Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman participated in the decision in the case and also changed the positions of the judges who in the first wave refused to grant it.

Constitutional judges granted the requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates or presidential and vice presidential candidates at least 40 years old or experienced as Regional Heads.

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