Back In Action After Throwing Her Child Into The Ember, Mother In South Jakarta Joins Her Baby In The Cover And Then Takes A Photo For WA Status
Capture the status screen of L, a mother in South Jakarta who throws her baby in a bucket and then put it in a cupboard for WA status

JAKARTA L, a mother at Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, is back in action. After throwing her 4-month-old child into a large bucket filled with water, she reportedly put her baby in a cupboard because she was dizzy in the face of the situation.

The action of placing a baby in a cupboard occurred after the arrival of Komnas PA and an activist who came to his house in Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, recently. Their arrival was not only to confirm the incident, but also to advise the perpetrators.

However, within a while, L, who is still under monitoring, was seen uploading a photo of his baby in a cupboard as WhatsApp (WA) status.

Diem dim di situ ya (emoticon) kepala sudah maupecah rasa. tulis L dalam status WA menunjukkan anak bayinya berada di dalam pakat bersama stack tujuk.

WA L's status post on the screen shoot, to be used as evidence that L is still doing the same thing to his baby.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Bintoro, has not responded to this latest news. But previously AKBP Bintoro said that his party would conduct an investigation regarding L's action against the baby who was thrown into a bucket filled with water.

"We confirm that there is a viral video. Currently, the South Jakarta Police are still investigating the virality of this", Bintoro said when confirmed, Monday, October 16.

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