Persecution Of Activists To Death In Garut, From 13 People Arrested 4 Become Suspects
Illustration of violence accompanied by beatings. (Pixabay)a

Garut Resort Police (Polres) has named four people who are a gang of motorcycle gangs as suspects in the case of mistreatment of a humanitarian activist to death in Garut Regency, West Java (West Java).

"For motorcycle gangs, so based on the results of the investigation, we have named four people as suspects," said Garut Police Chief AKBP Rohman Yonky Dilatha to reporters in Garut, Monday, October 16, confiscated by Antara.

He said the police had investigated cases of abuse by a motorized group against a Panji Nurhakim (37) driver, a Garut resident, causing him to die on Jalan Ahmad Yani, Sunday, December 15 in the morning.

The police, he said, after receiving the information, immediately pursued the perpetrator until finally 13 people were arrested, four of whom were named suspects, others were witness statuses.

"For what we have examined, there are 13, while we have named four people as suspects," said the Police Chief.

He conveyed that in the case of persecution, investigators were still investigating, so there might be other suspects from the previous witness status, depending on their role in the incident.

The case of abuse, said the Police Chief, there were perpetrators who were still minors, even so they continued to undergo the legal process in accordance with applicable legal regulations.

"We are conducting an in-depth investigation based on the results of the information, we will continue to explore this first, so that if there is sufficient evidence, of course we will not hesitate to determine the suspects in the people who are all involved," said the Police Chief.

He conveyed that apart from naming suspects, the police also carried out raids on their headquarters or gathering places where the motorcycle gang attributes were found, then a number of sharp weapons were found.

The police are currently securing sharp weapons such as machetes, pointed iron, then a number of motorcycles that are alleged to have no vehicle documents, for further confiscation and further legal processing.

"There is pointed iron, then the attributes of certain groups, then the motorbike, the vehicle used, and other sharp weapons that we searched last night in various places, including in the houses that have been determined by the suspect," he said.

He revealed that their motive for molesting the victim was due to a misunderstanding on the road, then there was persecution that caused the victim to die.

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