PPKM Impressed Loosening, DKI Deputy Governor Reminded Citizens To Discipline Prokes, Will Increase Supervision
DKI Jakarta Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria (Diah Ayu / VOI)

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor (Wagub) of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria emphasized that residents must improve discipline on health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Java-Bali micro PPKM which is also implemented in Jakarta uses the term Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB).

"Indeed, in the third PPKM there is an easing of capacity from 25 percent to 50 percent. Then the operational hours are from 20.00 WIB to 21.00 WIB, that is understandable, "Riza Patria told reporters, Tuesday, February 9.

But Riza reminded DKI residents to increase discipline from the community.

"We ourselves from the Provincial Government have made improvements rather than monitoring, including control," he said.

DKI Jakarta continues to extend the PSBB in accordance with the Java-Bali PPKM periodic. The PSBB was extended until 22 February.

"The terminology is the same. Each region has its own terms. The central government makes regulations that must be implemented, we implement them. However, each region is given the authority, limitations, and duties of each. Yes, go ahead," said Riza at City Hall. DKI, Monday, February 8th.

Riza explained, in this third volume of PSBB, there was an increase in the capacity of on-site dining services at restaurants or restaurants, from 25 percent to 50 percent.

Then, the operational limit for restaurants and shopping centers was extended to 21.00 WIB. Then, the capacity of employees who are allowed to work in the office is 50 percent.

"We follow what is the central government's policy. Of course the central government has considered, researched, and made comprehensive, holistic studies," he said.

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