One Family In Kemayoran Transported To Polsek Because Of Frequent Ribut Between Son-in-law And In-law
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JAKARTA - The commotion between one family occurred on Jalan Serdang Raya, Cempaka Baru Village, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta. The commotion occurred between the son-in-law with the initials S and his in-laws with the initials YZ in one of the families.

Kemayoran Police Chief Kompol Rustian said S and YZ were involved in a commotion that occurred on Friday, October 13. On Friday night, it was the peak of several previous incidents.

Residents who were restless immediately secured the family and taken to the Kemayoran Police Headquarters. Residents arrested the perpetrators because their actions caused unrest among other residents.

"Last night's incident was the culmination of the previous commotion," said Kompol Rustian when confirmed, Sunday, October 15.

Rustian further confirmed that there was no physical contact from the incident.

"Just an argument, no hit," he said.

Furthermore, after hearing the commotion, the residents immediately intervened and brought their son-in-law and husband and parents to the Kemayoran Police.

"At the second Polsek, an explanation and guidance were given. Both were also asked to sign a statement that they would not make a fuss again," he said.

It is certain that the warring parties are not detained and are only given guidance.

Kompol Rustian appealed to the residents of Kemayoran to be active when there was a commotion in the area. However, on a note, it is not fair to yourself.

"I give my appreciation to residents who are increasingly aware of security and public order (Kamtibmas)," he said.

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