Dozens Of People In Garut Were Poisoned And 2 Died After Satai Jebred Consumption, Police Check 3 Food Sellers
Garut Police Chief AKBP Rohman Yonky Dilatha. (ANTARA/Feri Purnama)
Garut Resort Police examined three food sellers related to the poisoning case experienced by dozens of people in Cilawu District, Garut Regency, West Java. This poisoning case even claimed two lives. "Until now there are three people (checked) and of course there will be more," said Garut Police Chief AKBP Rohman Yonky Dilatha to reporters in Garut, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, October 11. Garut Police together with related agencies have gone to the field after receiving information that many residents in Cilawu District were poisoned. The police also noted that there were Tasikmalaya residents who were victims. Witnesses from the victim's family and also the victim being treated have also been examined, including bringing food samples in the form of satai jebrud consumed by the victim. "We have sent samples of the food to the laboratory for research in the context of investigation and confirming the cause," said Yonky. In addition to conducting food laboratory tests, investigators also asked for information from satai jebrud sellers in the Cilawu area and will also trace the supplier or food maker. "Sudah minta keterangan dari pedagangnya, penjual, semua yang terlibat membuatnya," katanya. The Garut Police in uncovering the poisoning case required a team of experts on the content of food and hazardous substances that resulted in the victim being poisoned to death. "The results of the investigation are of course we need information from experts so that later we can conclude the cause of the poisoning," he said. The Garut District Health Office noted that 39 victims of food poisoning who had to undergo medical treatment at health centers and clinics in Cilawu District, two of whom died. The incident began when several people who came to the puskesmas complained of illness and vomiting on the evening of Sunday, October 8.
The following day, the number of residents who complained of illness with the same symptoms continued to grow and as of Tuesday there were 39 people recorded. Two victims of poisoning reportedly died.

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