Bareskrim Names 2 New Suspects Of ATG Trading Robot Wahyu Kenzo's Subordinates

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has named two new suspects in the Auto Trade Gold (ATG) trading robot case. Both are subordinates of Wahyu Kenzo.

"Current investigators have named 2 new suspects as founders, namely IG and LD," said Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan when confirmed, Tuesday, September 19.

Based on the investigation, the suspects LD and IG began marketing Auto Trade Gold trading robots in early 2020. They are working on various companies.

"The ATG trading robot can be used in the Lego LLC market broker who is abroad," said Whisnu.

"Dima is a type of ATG robot trading level, there are 5 packages, namely the price of a level one robot is 100 US$; the price of a level 2 robot is 200 US$; the price of a level 3 robot is 500 US$, the price of a level 4 robot is 2,500 US$, the price of a level 5 robot is 3,500 US$3500," he continued.

In addition, the suspects LD and IG who are leaders of the sale of ATG trading robots also play a role in recruiting as many members as possible.

Then make the group name or member community as a form of membership identity. The All Starts group is favored by LD while the Sultan Smart group is initiated by IG.

"The two people carried out socialization through various media massively with lucrative offers so that many people joined as members. Members who have joined will be interested in recruiting new members because there is a commission that is quite large. Thus, people will not think long enough to become members of ATG," said Whisnu.

With the determination of LD and IG, a total of five suspects were recorded in this case. The other three are WK, CB, and YK who are DPO status.

"LD and IG have been detained at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit," said Whisnu.

In this ksdus, the two suspects are subject to Article 378 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 372 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 105 and/or Article 106 of Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade and/or Article 3 and/or Article 4 and/or Article 5 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Crime of Money Laundering.

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