BNPT Invites Government Elements In West Java To Collect To Fight Radical Understanding
The Main Secretary of BNPT Bangbang Surono at the Coordination Meeting of the West Java Province Synergy Task Force in Bandung, Thursday (14/9/2023). (ANTARA/HO-BNPT RI)

JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) invites all parties from various elements of the government in West Java province to build collective awareness to fight radicalism and terror.

"Let's build collective awareness to jointly fight radicalism and terror starting from our own territory. Hopefully this joint work can make Indonesia safe, peaceful, and harmonious," said BNPT President Secretary Bangbang Surono at the Coordination Meeting of the West Java Province Synergy Task Force in Bandung, Thursday, September 14.

According to Bangbang, the awareness to jointly fight radicalism and terror has been carried out well by BNPT, by starting synergy-ministerial/institutional activities since 2021 in West Java.

Activities and assistance provided by ministries/agencies (K/L), he said, have supported many strategic efforts in fighting radical, intolerant, radical, and terror.

"The support provided by K/L is such as work equipment assistance, capital, entrepreneurship training, seeds, farming tools, seminars, and the publication of moderate narratives, all of which are strategic efforts to fight the spread of radical, intolerant, radical, and terror," he said.

Bangbang explained that BNPT has distributed development assistance in the province, such as the stimulant of self-help housing, the construction of MCK, electrification to lighting of solar roads for the community.

"This development is given in the context of efforts to transform the mindset of the beneficiaries in a better direction," as quoted from a written statement received in Jakarta, Thursday.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the West Java Coordination Forum for the Prevention of Terrorism (FKPT), Iip Hidajat, said that synergy is an important force in realizing a united province against the ideology of terrorism.

He explained that his party already has West Java Governor Regulation Number 40 of 2022 concerning Plans for Action to Prevent and Combat Violent Extremism Based on Terrorism (RAD PE).

The governor's regulation, said Iip, is a derivative of Presidential Regulation Number 7 of 2021 concerning the National Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Violent Extremism Based on Terrorism (RAN PE).

"This requires all synergies to keep West Java safe," said Iip.

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