Vice President Affirms Supervision Of Houses Of Worship To Prevent Radicalism
Vice President Ma'ruf Amin/ANTARA/Muhammad Zulfikar.

PADANG - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that supervision of houses of worship and other agencies has become an obligation for the government so that there is no spread of radicalism in society.

"I think the supervision of all institutions and institutions from the influence of radicalism has become an obligation," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 8.

This was conveyed by the Vice President during a visit to Padang City on the agenda of the World Islamic Entrepreneur Summit (WIES) 2023.

However, the former General Chairperson of the Central Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) considered that perhaps the problem in society was when there was special supervision, for example, of a mosque. In fact, basically all places of worship are supervised by the state.

"So, it is better to keep an eye on it but it should not be mentioned that there is supervision of the mosque," said the vice president.

The goal is that mosques or mosque administrators and the public in general do not feel suspected by the government or security forces. The move is considered by the Vice President to be better and not cause a commotion.

The vice president said monitoring of government institutions, houses of worship and other institutions is important to do. Because, do not let radicalism target the public but not be monitored by the government, especially the authorities.

"So, everything is monitored so that there is no infiltration from radicalism groups," he said.

Previously, the Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Komjen Rycko Amelza Dahniel explained the complete view regarding the proposed mechanism for controlling houses of worship as an effort to prevent radicalism.

The control mechanism in places of worship is proposed by emphasizing the importance of involving the local community in supervision, not full and unilateral control by the government.

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