Fadli Zon Asks Members Of Paspampres Who Persecuted Youth To Death To Be Sentenced To Death
Fadli Zon/DOK VOI

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR Fadli Zon requested that members of the TNI, including members of the Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) who abused a resident from Aceh to death, be sentenced to death.

Fadli Zon emphasized that the incident was very sadistic and inhumane. Therefore, he encouraged a fast, fair and transparent legal investigation to provide justice to the victims and society.

"I condemn and condemn the actions of the perpetrators for their heinous treatment. This kind of violence is unacceptable in society based on the principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, including military law," said Fadli Zon, Monday, August 28.

Fadli agreed with the commitment of the TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono who stated that he would fire Praka RM from the TNI for committing a serious crime by planning a murder. The TNI Commander also ensured that the perpetrators would be severely punished with a maximum death penalty and a minimum sentence of life.

"The community is waiting for the settlement of this case because its actions are very cruel. It must be dealt with immediately by dismissal and as the TNI Commander said, sentenced to death," said Fadli.

In addition, Fadli regretted Praka RM's treatment because Paspampres was an elite TNI unit tasked with maintaining the security and safety of the president and his family and state guests. However, the behavior of these individuals actually makes him concerned.

"Paspampres as the President's security should be the most disciplined and careful troops because of the security of the president and VVIP. So if there are individuals who kidnap, persecute and kill, of course they must be punished severely," said Fadli.

Fadli assessed that this action not only tarnished the image of the institution, but also had the potential to damage public trust because the TNI was tasked with protecting the entire nation and all of Indonesia's bloodshed from any threats and disturbances.

"Military and security institutions should be the guardians of the defense and sovereignty of the State as well as the protectors of the people, not even a threat to the safety of the Indonesian people," concluded Fadli.

It was reported that a young man from Bireuen, Aceh, Imam Masykur died after being kidnapped and abused by a Paspampres officer with the initials Praka RM and two of his colleagues.

The motive for the perpetrator to do this heinous thing was because he asked for a ransom from the victim's family. The perpetrator asked for a ransom of Rp. 50 million so that the victim was released. However, the family was only able to provide Rp. 13 million.

In the video received by the family, the perpetrator sadistic abuses the victim so that the family fulfills their demands. The victim's body was also found in the river in the West Karawang area, West Java.

Currently, the perpetrators Praka RM and two of his colleagues are undergoing examination at the Jayakarta Military Police (Pomdam Jaya) for further investigation.

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