Bareskrim Set 2 Crazy Rich Wahyu Kenzo And Papa Jack Suspects Of ATG Trading Robots

JAKARTA - Investigators from the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipedksus) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police have named two crazy rich suspects in cases of fraud and the crime of money laundering investment by robot tradingAuto Trade Gold (ATG).

The two "Crazy Rich" are the initials LI Crazy Rich from Tangerang and IG Crazy Rich from North Sumatra. Previous investigators have named three people as suspects, namely Dinar Wahyu Septian Dyfrig alias Wahyu Kenzo, Yudi Kurniawan alias Zakaria alias Papa Jack (Crazy Rich from Aceh) and Chandra Bayu alias Bayu Walke.

"This case is almost the same as the NET89 trading robot. The three suspects are already in the P-21 stage on behalf of DW, WK and Zakaria," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Pol. Whisnu Hermawan, Wednesday, August 16.

Whisnu said that the other two suspects, namely IG and LI, were in the process of P-19 or returning files from the Prosecutor's Office to be completed.

"Hopefully, within next week, the other two suspects will be able to complete P-21," he said.

In this case, he said, investigators managed to confiscate the suspect's assets of Rp. 450 billion. The number of victims who were harmed in this case was 1,500 people.

"We continue to strive for this to reveal other perpetrators, we continue to strive to find as much evidence as possible to be returned to the victim," said Whisnu.

Whisnu said that apart from being charged with investment fraud cases, money laundering was also applied.

"This means that we together with PPATK friends continue to track down their assets, so that we can look for assets at home and abroad," said Whisnu, quoted by ANTARA.

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