Stages Of Appointment Of Acting Governor, Community Also Andil
Acting Governor Of DKI Heru Budi Hartono/DOK PHOTO: Diah Ayu-VOI

YOGYAKARTA - The Governor's (Pj) official is one of the important positions in the regional government. The official was appointed to fill the vacancy for governor and deputy governor who ended his term of office. So what is the stage of the appointment of the Acting Governor?

Rules regarding the appointment of Acting Governor are contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) Number 35 of 2013 concerning Procedures for Inauguration of Regional Heads and/or Deputy Regional Heads.

In Article 1 point 5 of the Minister of Home Affairs, it reads: Acting Regional Heads are Officials appointed by the President for Governors and Officials appointed by the Minister of Home Affairs for Regents and Mayors to carry out the duties, authorities and obligations of regional heads within a certain period of time".

Provisions for officials elected or appointed to fill the vacancy of governor positions have been regulated in Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning Pilkada, namely governor officials who come from middle high leadership positions. So what is the process or procedure for appointing Acting Governors in local governments?

In 2023, President Jokowi appointed Pj. The governor has quite a number of regional heads whose terms of office and elections have only been held in 2024. The mechanism for appointing the Acting Governor is carried out under the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Proses pengangkatan Pj. Gubernur dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan sebagaimana diatur dalam UU.

The first stage is in the process of selecting the Acting Governor. The governor is the screening of the names of candidates or candidates. In this process, the Ministry of Home Affairs will hear proposals and input from the public as well as other related parties.

After obtaining the names of the candidates, the Ministry of Home Affairs will then submit the results of the initial screening in a series of trials to dissect the profile and track record of the candidates. The trial was chaired directly by the President and attended by a number of ministers and heads of institutions.

In the assessment or profiling stage of candidates, there are a number of aspects considered. One of them is related to whether or not there is a problem that has ensnared candidates. The assessment process takes place democratically.

After the assessment stage is complete, it will then be decided on the names of prospective officials in the final trial chaired by the President. As in Permendagri Number 35 of 2013, the elected officials will serve a one-year term.

Officials who have served a term of office for one year will be evaluated. From the evaluation results, it will be determined whether their term of office can be extended or not.

Acting Governor has a number of tasks that have been regulated in Article 65 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Governments. The following is a list of tasks that must be carried out or carried out by the Acting Governor:

The authority of regional heads has been regulated in Article 65 Paragraph (2) of the Regional Government Law, as follows:

Such is the review of the stages of appointment of Acting Governor. Acting officials. The new governor will serve a term of office until the national simultaneous elections are held in 2024.

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