Damage To Bridges And Dams Of Houses, Flood Emergencys Immediately Set In Mukomuko
The condition of the bridge connecting the two villages that was damaged was flooded in Mukomuko Regency, Thursday (3/8/2023). ANTARA/Ferri

BENGKULU - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Mukomuko Regency immediately established a flood emergency response status that hit this area since a few days ago. "We are preparing an administrative process in the form of village reports and a statement of flood emergency response status from the regent," said Head of BPBD Mukomuko Regency Ruri Irwandi in Mukomuko, Bengkulu, Thursday, August 3, confiscated by Antara. According to him, BPBD Mukomuko officers have gone to the field to monitor the condition of the affected area. He said, the flooding that came from overflowing rivers in addition to damaging the bridge connecting Retak Mudik Village, Sungai Rumbai District with Rentak Ilir Village, Ipuh District, also submerged a number of houses in the area. According to him, the damaged bridge caused by the flood was the main access of residents of Rentak Mudik Village and Rentak Ilir Village. "If you see the condition of the bridge cannot be used and passed by vehicles," he said.

In addition, Ruri also provided input for the construction of the bridge floor as soon as possible because BPBD regulations do not have the authority to build infrastructure that is damaged in an emergency.

He explained that the bridge was the main traffic flow, which was also passed by a cargo truck for fresh palm fruit bunches. "The PUPR Service already knows what to do for the temporary handling of the bridge," he said. Previously, the Head of Highways Division of the Mukomuko PUPR Service, Yusup, said his agency would replace the bridge floor in the near future.

The PUPR Mukomuko Service is currently still looking for wood material to replace the damaged bridge floor. "The bridge is made of a concrete frame and a wooden floor. The bridge was damaged because it was unable to withstand the river's water discharge which had an increase due to high-intensity rain flushed the area," he said.

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