Ask For Permendikbud 50/2022 To Be Reviewed, P2G: Many Types Of High-cost School Uniforms
School uniforms tailors serve buyers at Rau Serang Main Market, Banten, Tuesday, July 3, 2018. (ANTARA PHOTO-Asep F)

JAKARTA - The Education and Teacher Association (P2G) asked the Ministry of Education and Culture to review the school uniform rules that will take effect for the 2023/2024 school year.

This stipulation is contained in Permendikbud Number 50 of 2022 concerning School Uniforms for Students at the Primary and Secondary Education Levels.

"In view of the many types of uniforms and high costs for the purchase of uniforms, P2G asks the Ministry of Education and Culture to review Permendikbud 50/2022," said Head of P2G Teacher Advocacy Division Iman Zanatul Haeri in his statement, Thursday, July 27, quoted by Antara.

Iman said that a review of Permendikbud 50/2022 needs to be done considering the many types of school uniforms and the practice of buying and selling school uniforms that are very expensive burdens the parents of students.

In P2G observations in the field, he continued, it turns out that every student at the elementary, junior high, and high school/vocational levels has at least five different types of school uniforms, so the purchase is very burdensome for parents.

"The policy that gives birth to the use of uniforms is so much that it does not correlate with the quality of education," he said.

In addition, the many uniform costs should be included in the BOS financing scheme from the center or Regional BOS so that the Regional BOS/BOS rules should be expanded to uniform.

Not only BOS, but the cost of this uniform can also be with other schemes developed by local governments such as KJP Plus for students from underprivileged economies in Jakarta.

P2G also asked the Education Office to comb schools that practice buying and selling school uniforms and revitalize supervisory roles in order to work professionally, objectively, transparently, and firmly in accordance with applicable laws.

P2G also encourages the Education Office to be firm in giving sanctions according to the rules to unscrupulous teachers, school principals, and supervisors who are indicated to practice buying and selling uniforms.

"This is because the practice of buying and selling uniforms in schools has been banned based on Permendikbud Number 50 of 2022, especially article 13," said Iman.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education and Culture appealed to schools to communicate and cooperate with the School Committee and the Parents and Teachers Association (POMG).

The communication was carried out to determine the best choice for each school, including pricing and options to regulate the existence of school uniforms.

"The chosen one must not burden the parents," said Acting Head of the Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Anang Ristanto.

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