Bareskrim Arrests Chairperson Of HIPMI East Jakarta Related To Fraud And Embezzlement Cases Of IDR 59 Billion

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police arrested the Chairman of the East Jakarta Young Indonesian Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI), Muhammad Arif. He was involved in cases of alleged fraud and embezzlement worth Rp59 billion.

"It is true that the person concerned was arrested," said the Director of Certain Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Hersadwi Rusdiyono to reporters, Wednesday, June 21.

Muhammad Arif was arrested and immediately detained on May 31. In addition, in this case there are three other suspects, namely, Faizal H, Anisa Yulia, and Hermas Wibowo. In the process of handling it, this case has entered the delegation stage. Investigators have submitted the case files to the Prosecutor's Office.

Just waiting for the research prosecutor's decision regarding the completeness. If complete, then, the suspects and evidence will be submitted immediately or stage two.

"The case files have been sent to the prosecutor on June 15, 2023," said Rusdiyono.

For information, this case originated from a police report with LP Number: LP/B/0395/VII/2022/BARESKRIM POLRI dated July 20, 2022. The reporter is on behalf of Gilang Gustya Pratama.

In the report, the suspects were suspected of committing fraud worth Rp59 billion.

The suspect was charged with Article 378 and Article 372 in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 3 and Article 4 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering.

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