Wait For The Vaccine Distribution To Prevent Cancer In The Neck Of A Woman, The Mataram Health Office Admits That It Has Not Received A Circular
Illustration of the injection of the HPV vaccine or human papillomavirus. (Between)

The Mataram City Health Office (Dinkes) said it was still waiting for the distribution of the HPV vaccine or human papillomavirus to prevent cervical cancer in women.

"In addition to not receiving the vaccine, we have also not received a circular regarding the government's program to vaccinate cervical cancer. So we'll just have to wait," said Head of the Mataram City Health Office Usman Hadi in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Friday, June 2, as reported by Antara.

The statement was made in response to the central government's policy through the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) which will provide the HPV vaccine for free to elementary school girls (SD) class V-VI.

Usman said that his party strongly supports the program as an anticipatory step to prevent cases of cervical cancer from an early age in women.

Therefore, to support the successful implementation of activities, his party will coordinate with the Mataram City Education Office (Disdik), to record prospective HPV vaccine targets.

"If we have received the circular, we will immediately coordinate with the Education Office, to register the V-VI elementary school students as the target recipients of the HPV vaccine according to the stipulated provisions," he said.

Referring to data on cervical cancer cases in Mataram City, the Ministry of Health has not been able to provide exact figures because the data is still verified and validated.

However, in an effort to prevent cases of cervical cancer in Mataram City, the Health Office collaborated with the Mataram City PKK TP through posyandu cadres and health cadres moving together to disseminate prevention.

Including during the Jambore of PKK cadres which took place in Mataram City on 29-30 May 2023, counseling on cervical cancer became one of the contested branches.

"Hopefully, through socialization, counseling and the provision of free HPV vaccinations, which will be implemented can prevent the incidence of cervical cancer in women," he said.

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