Vice President Invites World Religious Leaders To Continue To Play A Role In Realizing Peace
Vice President Ma'ruf Amin gave a speech at the International Conference on Religion, Peace and Civilization in 2023 / screenshot

JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin invites religious leaders in the world to continue to play a role in realizing peace on earth.

"The ulama and religious leaders in the world are expected to be more able to take part in the formulation of a global order for the realization of a fairer and more peaceful world," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin at the International Conference on Religion, Peace and Civilization, 2023 in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 22.

In addition, the Vice President hopes that religious leaders will also be able to become luminous and enlightening figures in an effort to resolve global issues, especially related to issues of inequality, poverty, conflict, war, and environmental damage.

"In this context, I invite ulama and religious leaders to continue to encourage the realization of global ethical substances, namely understanding each other (mutual understanding), mutual respect (mutual respect), interdependence, and cooperation between nations in the world," said the Vice President.

The vice president said that in the past the nation's predecessors were able to build civilization centers in Indonesia, starting from the Sultanate of Aceh, Sultanate of Indrapura in West Sumatra, Sultanate of Banten, Sultanate of Cirebon, Sultanate of Demak, to Sultanate of Tidore and Ternate whose influence reached Papua.

According to him, improvement areas in various regions and that is a big capital in making Muslims in Indonesia the majority to reach 80 or even 90 percent in the past.

"This is a legacy. Therefore, we must continue these tasks not only nationally but globally together with world Islamic figures to build a safer and better world," said the vice president.

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