15.2 Tons Of Fish In Lake Maninjau, West Sumatra Dies, Losses Are Estimated To Reach IDR 380 Million
Fish float in Lake Maninjau due to lack of oxygen. BETWEEN

JAKARTA - The Department of Food Security and Fisheries (DKPP) of Agam Regency stated that the death of floating net cage fish in Lake Maninjau was 15.2 tons with farmers' losses reaching Rp380 million. "The death of fish increased in Jorong Depak, Nagari Tanjung Sani, is about 200 kilograms," said Head of DKPP Agam Rosva Deswira, in Lubukbasung, Agam, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Sunday, May 21, which was confiscated by Antara. He said previously that fish deaths occurred in Nagari Bayua about 15 tons spread across 35 floating net cage plots belonging to 13 farmers on Monday, May 15. After that, fish deaths continued in Nagari Tanjung Sani after the incident in Nagari Bayua. As a result of this incident, farmers suffered losses of around Rp380 million, because the market-level fish price reached Rp25 thousand per kilogram. "The dead fish are various sizes ranging in the form of seeds and ready to harvest," he said.

He admitted that the death of the fish was the result of strong winds accompanied by high rainfall on Sunday, May 14. This condition resulted in a reversal of water from the bottom to the surface of the lake, so that oxygen decreased at the bottom of the lake. the impact of the lack of oxygen," he said again.

He appealed to farmers to do an early harvest by moving to a calm pool of water in order to anticipate the death of fish which resulted in considerable losses. "Immediately harvest fish to anticipate large losses and floating net cages filled around 40 percent of the 23,359 plots," he concluded.

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