JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno conveyed that entrance tickets for the Borobudur tourist area for Foreign National Colors (WNA) which are more expensive than local tourists will be accompanied by service improvements.
"It is definitely more expensive, but the services provided are also more quality for foreign tourists, including from their translator, the guide tour must be equipped with knowledge of the storynomic borobudur which is very rich with opportunities for potential in the future," said Menparekraf Sandiaga to the media in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, May 8.
Although so far there has been no projection regarding the entrance ticket price for the Borobudur area for foreigners, Sandiaga ensures that the concept of tourism in the Borobudur area for foreign tourists will lean towards environmental-based tourism such as ecotourism, glamping and so on.
"We are still following up on the “(Tiket) for which foreigners are still following up, but for which the authority's land is final from this financial minister's regulation we are socializing. This is much more environmentally based, ” he said.
Previously, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani set the entrance ticket price for the Borobudur area at Rp. 4,000-Rp. 15,000 per entry per person.
The regulation is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 42 of 2023 concerning the Service Tariff of the Public Service Agency of the Borobudur Authority at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.
In this regulation, Sri Mulyani also stipulates a vehicle ticket of Rp. 5,000-Rp. 25,000 per entry. The Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) came into effect on the date of promulgation, namely May 2023.
The tariff stipulation applies to Indonesian citizens, while foreign tourists will be subject to tariffs of up to 200 percent in accordance with various considerations. The amount of entrance ticket rates for foreigners will be determined by the president director of the Public Service Agency of the Borobudur Authority at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.
The PMK also mentioned that the determination of service rates takes into account various aspects, including investment costs, utilization rates, user segments, partiality, and competition rates.
From the other hand, people can also enter the Borobudur area for free if they hold state activities to raise social funds such as natural disasters and other humanitarian assistance as well as other non-commercial international events taking into account the financial condition of the Public Service Agency of the Borobudur Authority at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.
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