Demo In DPR, Labor Party Demands Revocation Of Job Creation Law And PT 20 Percent
The atmosphere of the workers' demonstration in front of the DPR RI (Photo: Nailin In Saroh/VOI)
JAKARTA - The Labor Party again held a demonstration in front of the DPR RI Building, Senayan, Jakarta, today, Monday, April 17. They brought three issues as a demand, namely to revoke the Omnibus Law of Law No. 6 of 2023 concerning Job Creation, revoke the parliamentary threshold, and immediately ratify the Bill on the Protection of Domestic Workers (PPRT). The President of the Labor Party, Said Iqbal, said this action was a series of actions that were routinely held every Tuesday. However, because tomorrow coincides with the last day of work before the Eid holiday, this action will be advanced. "The mass action came from Jabodetabek, approximately 500 people," said Said Iqbal in his statement, Monday, April 17. The 9 issues questioned in the Job Creation Law, namely related to low wages, temporary outsourcing for all types of work, workers contracting continuously without periods, low severance pay and layoffs are made easier. Then the abolition of leave, work hours are getting longer, hard workers for foreign workers are easy to enter, and criminal sanctions have been removed. Meanwhile, regarding the rejection of the parliamentary threshold, Said Iqbal said that this policy was to revive guided democracy and maintain the oligarchy of political parties. According to him, with the parliamentary threshold, political parties that only get 30-40 seats in the DPR will not qualify for parliament in the 2024 election. Because, even though they get seats of up to 40 in the DPR, there is a possibility that votes will be obtained below 4 percent of the national valid votes. "Imagine a political party that won the 2024 General Election with 40 seats unable to sit in Senayan just because the vote acquisition is less than 4 percent valid for the 2024 national," he said.
"Third, the demands for the DPR to immediately ratify the Housework Protection Bill (PPRT) into law," added Iqbal.

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