Fulfill The Requirements, Pamekasan Prison Proposes 620 Prisoners Receive Special Remission
Documentation - Development activities for assisted residents at the Class IIA Pamekasan Prison, East Java. (DOC. ANTARA)

PAMEKASAN - There are 620 inmates at the Class IIA Pamekasan Correctional Institution (Lapas), East Java, who are eligible for special remissions in Lebaran 2023.

According to the Head of Class IIA Pamekasan Prison Seno Utomo in Pamekasan, Friday, they have met the requirements in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

"They have served a minimum sentence of 6 months and behaved either or never committed a violation," said Seno Utomo, quoted from ANTARA, Friday, April 7.

Seno Utomo said that his party proposed that they get remission from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkumham RI). They consist of 125 people who are proposed to be able to reduce sentences for 15 days, and 428 people are proposed to be subject to a reduced sentence of 1 month.

Next as many as 46 people are proposed to be remissiond for 1 month and 15 days, and as many as 21 people are proposed to be remissiond for 2 months.

So far, the number of inmates in the Class IIA Pamekasan prison is more than a thousand people. However, he said, 620 people who met the requirements for special remission in Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijriah.

"Usually, we receive remission decrees on the D-1 Lebaran and submission after Eid prayers or on the D Day of Eid," he said.

The proposed prisoners can be remission this time, he said, more when compared to the amount in the previous Eid al-Fitr. At Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah, the proposed and approved prisoners received remission of 532 prisoners.

In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 21 of 2013 concerning Terms and Procedures for Granting Remissions, Assimilation, Leave for Visiting Families, Conditional Liberation, Leave Ahead of Freeness, and Conditional Leave, mentioned several types of remissions, namely general remissions, aftershocks, special remissions, and additional remissions.

General remissions were given on the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, while general remissions were given to convicts and criminal children who on August 17 had served a minimum detention period of 6 months and had not yet received a court decision with permanent legal force.

Special remissions are given on religious holidays held by the convict and criminal child concerned, while special remissions are given to convicts and criminal children who on religious holidays are in accordance with their religion. They have served a minimum detention period of 6 months and have not received a court decision that has permanent legal force.

As for what is meant by additional remission, namely the two remissions above can be added if the convict or criminal child concerned while serving the crime of serving the state, committing actions that are beneficial to the state or humanity, and committing actions that help foster development activities in correctional institutions.

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