Mass Organizations Are Prohibited From Asking THR To Anyone Ahead Of Eid
Photo leaflets of mass organizations asking for THR? Photo: IST

The West Jakarta City Government (Pemkot Jakbar) appealed to all community organizations (ormas) not to extort certain parties with the aim of asking for holiday allowances (THR) during the month of Ramadan.

"We urge our friends from mass organizations not to ask THR by forcing certain parties because it violates the chaotic organization," said Head of the West Jakarta National and Political Unity (Kesbangpol), Mohammad Matsani, quoting Antara, Thursday, April 6.

According to Matsani, the action asking for THR has the potential to cause unrest and is not in accordance with the function of mass organizations that should protect and protect the community.

So far, Matsani admitted that he had not received any reports of intimidation activities from mass organizations asking for THR.

However, if found, Matsani said he would hold a meeting with related mass organizations to mediate.

In the mediation, Matsani ensured to the internal organization to evaluate and guide members of its members.

This was done because Matsani did not have the authority to take direct action.

"If there is such information, we will help communicate to the management so that they can carry out an internal evaluation," said Matsani.

Matsani hopes that all mass organizations in the West Jakarta area can maintain the harmony of relations with all parties during the month of Ramadan.

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