SERANG - The Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) Criminal Unit of Serang City Police arrested a father who had the heart to rape his biological daughter. Luckily, after the victim had the courage to speak up and report to the police, the depraved father was caught.
The Head of the Serkot Police, Commissioner Nugroho Arianto, through the Criminal Investigation Unit AKP David Adhi Kusuma, confirmed the incident.
"The Women's Protection Unit has indeed arrested a man with the initials RH (36) suspected of having committed the crime of having intercourse and or committing obscene acts against children who are still underage", said David in a written statement, Monday, February 27.
Head of PPA, Ipda Febby, said the rape incident occurred on Thursday 16 February, at 21.30 WIB. The 14-year-old victim at that time was called by his father (the perpetrator) that he would be sent to an Islamic boarding school because living with relatives would be troublesome.
"Then on Saturday, February 18 at around 11.00 pm, the victim was picked up at her relative's house in Pandeglang by her father, to go to her grandmother's house. The two of them rested at their grandmother's house, and in the morning on Sunday (February 19) at around 06.30 they immediately went to the rented house in Kaloran, Serang city. In that place, the perpetrator forced his child to have sex when the victim was lying on the bed while playing with her cell phone", explained Febby.
Febby continued, the perpetrator had done this to his own child many times. Until finally the victim contacted her brother and told him what had happened to her father. After telling her relatives, the victim told her biological mother in Riau.
"Then the victim told her biological mother. Then her mother reported the incident to the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) Criminal Unit of Serang City Police and then carried out a post-mortem", added Febby.
"The initials of the reporter IS (39). The biological mother of an entrepreneur lives in Indragiri Hulu, Riau. According to the KTP, witness one IA (50) is a farmer from Pandeglang, witness two RM (49) is an entrepreneur from Pandeglang", concluded Feby.
The perpetrator was finally secured at the Serang City Police Station and subject to Article 81 Paragraphs (2) and (3) in conjunction with Article 82 Paragraphs (1) and (2) of Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to Law No. 23 of 2002 Concerning Protection Child.
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