Regarding PPKM, Polda Metro Jaya Is Waiting For The DKI Provincial Government's Decree
Polda Metro Jaya (VOI)

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya is waiting for the policy of the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta regarding the implementation of regulations during the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) in Java and Bali.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that his party would prioritize the prevention of transmission of COVID-19.

"So we are waiting for the governor's regulation, but what we are putting forward here is to cut the chain of the spread of COVID," Yusri told reporters, Friday, January 8.

Yusri said that the Head of Metro Jaya Regional Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran, had ordered all his staff to prepare some restrictions on community activities. This was done while waiting for the DKI Pemprov to decide on a policy.

"The Kapolda has gathered several police chiefs. There are some restrictions. We are still waiting for the DKI Jakarta governor's regulation because it will be implemented from 11 to 25 January," said Yusri.

There are two steps taken by Polda Metro Jaya. Preparing 55 RW Tangguh Jaya and increasing the intensity of yustisi operations.

"The justice operation is really being improved. For the sake of an effort to discipline the community that 3 M, wear masks, wash their hands and keep their distance. Later the officers will do 3T. Testing, tracing, treatment. This is what we do massively. This is an effort that will be carried out later. While waiting, "he said.

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