Mario, The Abuser Of Minors Is Not Yet 'Aware' To Become The Target Of Blasphemy
Suspect Mario Dandy Satrio (photo: dock. ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Mario Dandy Satrio is said to have not realized that currently many blasphemys were directed at him in the aftermath of his abuse of D, a minor.

Meanwhile, on social media blasphemy continues to emerge aimed at the son of Rafael Alun Trisambodo. Cibiran highlighted his luxurious lifestyle to the youth's arrogant actions.

"He can't see inside, he doesn't know anything," Mario's lawyer, Dolfie Rompas, told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Saturday, February 25.

Mario's ignorance is currently in the spotlight because he temporarily does not use communication tools.

Of course, the reason is because the son of the official Directorate General of Taxes is facing a legal process at the police.

"Because he is in the legal process, of course, he cannot use communication tools," he said

On the other hand, Dolfie claims his client feels very guilty about what he has done to David.

In fact, he said, if Mario's family always ordered him to apologize to David. However, because they cannot meet in person, it cannot be realized.

"From yesterday, of course, he realized that he had conveyed, right, he couldn't meet but yes, it was always suggested by his parents, it's natural to apologize, but he couldn't meet the victim because he was still in the legal process," said Dolfie.

Meanwhile, Mario Dandy Satrio and his partner, Shane, have been deemed involved in a series of cases of mistreatment of David. Thus, they were named suspects.

For Mario, the police charged him with Article 76C in conjunction with Article 80 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, subsidiary to Article 351 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution.

Meanwhile, Shane is only suspected of Article 76C in conjunction with Article 80 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

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