PPKM Jawa-Bali, Satpol PP DKI Banning Residents From Hanging Out On Saturday Night
ILLUSTRATION / A place to eat filled with visitors (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Head of Jakarta Satpol PP, Arifin asked Jakarta residents not to gather outside their homes during the pandemic period, especially during the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) in Java and Bali.

Arifin said that there were still many young people who gathered with their friends in public places to restaurants, especially on Saturday nights.

"Reduce activities outside the home if there are no urgent needs. Weekly evenings stay at home and don't hang out and huddle," said Arifin in his statement, Friday, December 8.

He said that people who refrain from gathering outside the house lead to crowds can help reduce the burden on Satpol PP DKI in monitoring compliance with community protocols.

"We really need the cooperation of the entire community to order and carry out the rules that have been set, so that we also do not need to impose sanctions," said Arifin.

However, if there are still residents or businesses that violate health protocols, there will be a number of sanctions stipulated in accordance with DKI Governor Regulation Number 79 and 101 of 2020.

There are also sanctions for residents who do not wear masks, namely social work cleaning public facilities by wearing a vest for 60 minutes or paying an administrative fine of IDR 250 thousand.

If you are caught repeating violations, you will be subject to progressive sanctions or multiples of sanctions, namely for repeated violations 1 time, social work for 120 minutes or an administrative fine of IDR 500 thousand.

Furthermore, for 2 repeated violations, social work for 180 minutes or an administrative fine of IDR 750 thousand is imposed.

For repeated violations 3 times and so on, social work for 240 minutes or an administrative fine of IDR 1 million is imposed.

Meanwhile, for restaurants, food stalls, restaurants, cafes, if they are caught violating, they are immediately closed by the Satpol PP officers, with a maximum waiting time for the officers for 2 hours after the violation is found. Administrative sanctions in the form of temporary closure for a maximum of 1x24 hours.

Repeated violations are also subject to progressive administrative fines with a value of IDR 50 million up to a maximum of IDR 150 million.

For offices, workplaces and industries, administrative sanctions will be given in the form of temporary closure for a maximum of 3x24 hours. Repetition of violations will be subject to a progressive administrative fine with a value of IDR 50 million up to a maximum of IDR 150 million.

"Then, there is also a recommendation sanction to revoke the operational permit of the place of business if there is a delay or not paying administrative fines. For fines in the form of money we will deposit them into the regional treasury, ”said Arifin.

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