Stealing 5 Gas Cylinders, ASN Asahan Forestry Office of North Sumatra Arrested by Police

MEDAN - An ASN at the Forestry Service with the initials ZP alias Zul was forced to deal with the authorities. The resident of Asahan, North Sumatra, was arrested for stealing 5 gas cylinders from a shop owned by RM (25).

Asahan Police Chief AKBP Roman Smaradhana Elhaj said the perpetrator was arrested after receiving a report regarding the theft at Ir Sutami, Sei Renggas Village, Friday, February 17.

From the results of the investigation, the perpetrator's actions were detected because they were recorded on a CCTV camera in the victim's stall.

"So when at the TKP, officers examined several CCTVs in the victim's stall, finally our perpetrators were able to find out their identities", said AKBP Roman, Thursday, February 23.

Receiving clues from the CCTV, officers immediately moved to hunt down the perpetrators. The perpetrator was caught by officers in front of the Alfamart store on Diponegoro Street.

"The perpetrators succeeded us without a fight", he said.

During interrogation, the perpetrator ZP admitted that he had stolen 5 gas cylinders from the victim RM's shop. To the officers, ZP admitted that he was determined to steal because of economic necessity.

"So this perpetrator was indeed a civil servant. He admitted to stealing, he said he was pressed for economic needs and the stolen gas cylinder was taken away by the perpetrator", he explained.

ZP also told the police that at first, he was able to enter the victim's shop. Initially, ZP entered by climbing the back wall of the house.

"Then took all the gas cylinders in the shop. Next, took 5 gas cylinders measuring 3 kilograms", he said.

After taking the gas canisters, the stolen goods were taken by the perpetrators to be sold immediately.

"For his actions, now ZP alias Zul has been secured at the Asahan Police Criminal Investigation Unit to undergo further legal proceedings", he said.

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