Having Gone Viral Because Of The Irregular Weight Of The Agency, Balita Kenzi Alfaro In Bekasi Now Cares For Intensive Roads
Toddler of obesity Muhammad Kenzi Alfaro from Tambun Permata Village, RT 002/002, Pusaka Rakyat Village, Tarumajaya District, Bekasi Regency, West Java. (ANTARA)
Balita that is overweight or obese named Muhammad Kenzi Alfaro (16 months) from Bekasi Regency, West Java has been handled by health workers by undergoing intensive outpatient care since December 2022. Kenzi has now gone viral on social media because she has an abnormal weight from a toddler her age of 26.9 kilograms when recorded by health workers in December 2022. The baby's condition made it difficult for parents to carry him. "It has been handled by our health workers. From the puskesmas, they were then referred to the hospital with the status of active BPJS Health participants," said Head of Public Health at the Bekasi District Health Office Supriadinata in Cikarang, Antara, Tuesday, February 21. He said Kenzi was born to the couple M Sopiyan and Pitriah who were registered as residents of Tambun Permata Village, Tarumajaya District, Bekasi Regency. The officer learned about Kenzi's obesity after the toddler's parents came to Posyandu Setyamulya in Pusaka Rakyat Village in December 2022. "Parents under five came to the posyandu, then they were examined by health workers. During December, 26.9 kilograms of toddlers were recorded with a height of 75 centimeters. Meanwhile, when they were born, they weighed 4.5 kilograms with a height of 48 centimeters," he said. A few days after that, on December 16, 2022, midwives from the village began to routinely control Kenzi's parents' homes, accompanied by Nutrition Executing Officers (TPG). Then on December 20, 2022, TPG officers together with posyandu cadres picked up Kenzi and her mother to be taken to the Setiamulya Health Center UPTD. "Arriving there, an examination was carried out by the doctor and then referred to Ananda Babelan Hospital for further treatment," he said. Since then Kenzi has been required to do outpatient treatment and is currently undergoing routine examinations at the Hermina Bekasi Hospital as an effort to lose weight.

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