Stunting Control House Present In Semarang, Minister Of PPPA Said He Could Handle 10 Children
Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA), Bintang Puspayoga. (Between-Galih P)

JAKARTA - Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati inaugurated a tengkes or stunting control house in Semarang City.

The building is called the 'House of Cross-Sector Stunting Handling for Infants Under Two Years' or Pelita.

"In handling an issue, if it is collaborated and integrated, the results will be maximized," said the Minister of PPPA in Semarang, Central Java (Central Java), Tuesday, February 21.

The Minister of PPPA admitted that he welcomed the idea of the Semarang City Government in handling this tengkes.

According to him, this innovation is expected to be an inspiration for other regions

The Minister of PPPA is optimistic that the target of reducing the stunting rate to 14 percent in 2024 will be achieved

"It is inseparable from the hard work together, not only the government, but also the business world, as well as the community," he said.

He said that central and regional collaboration is also important in an effort to reduce stunting rates.

Meanwhile, the Minister of PPPA said that the Pelita Semarang House itself has two caregivers who are able to handle up to five children each.

In addition, there are also cooks who are accompanied by nutritionists from the health department, pediatricians, psychologists, midwives, to motor therapists.

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