An Elementary Student's Cabuli Religious Teacher In Duren Sawit Became A Suspect, Police: 7 Victims
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Women and Children Service Unit (PPA) of the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim named a religious teacher with the initials MA alias A as an obscene suspect.

The suspect MA alias A is already in the detention cell of the East Jakarta Metro Police.

East Jakarta Deputy Chief of Police AKBP Ahmad Fanani said the alleged perpetrator of sexual abuse against minors at SDN Duren Sawit had now been arrested and detained.

"Sebanyak 7 orang dari SD di duren sawit sudah dilakukan visum. Kita sudah kordinasi dengan perlindungan anak," kata AKBP Fanani saat dihubungi, Minggu, 12 Februari.

In the action, the suspect MA alias A deliberately gave homework (PR) to his students. After that, the suspect examined the PR by calling the victim one by one to sit on his lap by the suspect.

"The modus operandi of the suspect MA is to make homework for his students. After arriving in class, they are called one by one. After that the female students are lapuated and told to open their legs in a sitting position. MA also opens their legs," he said.

With the sitting position of the victims, it resulted in the suspect's lust growing and until his genitals stood up.

Suspect MA alias A was charged with Article 76 E in conjunction with Article 82 of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning the stipulation of government regulations in lieu of Law no.01 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning child protection and sexual abuse of children. The maximum threat of imprisonment is 20 years.

Previously, it was reported that a Islamic religious teacher with the initials A was taken to the East Jakarta Metro Police for allegedly harassing students at an elementary school (SD) in Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, Thursday, February 9.

Wearing a batik uniform, the perpetrator with the initials A was seen entering the East Jakarta Metro Police SPKT room. According to the information gathered, the perpetrator was found to have abused students at the elementary school.

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