After Leaked Trump Telephone Tape In Georgia Will Democrats Control The US Senate & House Of Representatives?
Capitol Building (Stephen Walker / Unsplash)

JAKARTA - The leaking of a conversation between President Donald Trump and Georgia State Secretary Brad Raffensperger regarding changes to the results of the US Presidential Election in Georgia has shocked many circles.

Understandably, the State of Georgia has traditionally been the basis for the Republican Party, Trump's home party. But in the last US Presidential Election, Joe Biden who came from the Democrats won here with 11,779 votes. The Democrats' first win in nearly three decades.

In the run-up to the US Senate elections in Georgia on Tuesday, January 5, Trump and Biden are both actively campaigning to convince the public to vote for their respective party candidates. This is important, to determine the balance of power in Washington.

In this state, the Democratic Party is represented by Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Meanwhile, the Republican Party was represented by Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.

If Warnock and Ossoff win, Democrats can fully control the US Congress in the Capitol Building after previously winning the US House elections. If Loeffler and Perdue win, the Republic can control the Senate and strike a balance in Congress.

"It's a new year and tomorrow could be a new day for Atlanta, for Georgia and America. The president spends more time complaining than doing anything to solve the coronavirus problem," said Biden, promising a fresh start under the Democratic Party, as reported by Reuters.

Gedung Capitol
Capitol Building (Stephen Walker / Unsplash)

If the Democrats succeed in controlling the US Senate and DPR, the community assistance program related to the corona virus and handling climate change that is the material for Biden's campaign, could be more easily realized.

Joe Biden and Democrats' triumphs after nearly three decades and the leaking of Trump's conversation with Brad Raffensperger. As well as claims of election fraud repeatedly made by Trump. indeed cannot confirm the victory of the Democratic deputy in the US Senate elections in Georgia.

However, this is believed to increase the chances of winning the two Democratic candidates. Meanwhile, the campaign team of the two parties believes that the election result will be determined by the number of Georgians who cast their votes.

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