Explore The Target, 171,515 Residents Of Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan Have Been Vaccinated Against The Second Booster
A number of people in Banjarbaru City are queuing up to receive the second booster vaccine (ANTARA)

BANJARBARU - The City Government (Pekot) of Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan noted that 2,124 people had received the second dose of booster vaccine. A total of 171,514 people in Banjarbaru City have received the fourth dose of vaccine.

"The number of people vaccinated with dose four is 2,124 or about 1.24 percent of the target, and the number is confirmed to increase as those who want to be vaccinated," said Head of Disease Prevention and Control at the Banjarbaru Health Service, Erni Syafrida Noor, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 6.

Erni said the Banjarbaru City Government Health Office is targeting 171,514 people to get a second dose of the booster vaccine or the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Erni revealed that the types of vaccines were given to people who met the requirements over the age of 18, namely the Pfizer type with 224 vials and the Zyfivac vaccine with four vials available.

According to him, the availability of the vaccine is a stock owned by the Banjarbaru Health Office until the end of January 2023, if there is a shortage and there is a request from a health care facility, the South Kalimantan Health Office sends vaccine stocks.

"Currently, the stock of vaccines at the Health Office is still sufficient, because the vaccines received have previously been handed over to a number of health facilities. If it is not enough, we ask for additional assistance to the South Kalimantan Health Office," he said.

It is emphasized that people who want to be vaccinated do not need to worry about the type of vaccine, because it is declared safe and safe to receive recommendations from the government without any side effects.

"We urge the public to come to the nearest health facility from where they live, so they are immediately vaccinated to protect themselves from the COVID-19 virus, which is known to be still developing," said Erni.

Meanwhile, the overall vaccination coverage from the data collection of the Banjarbaru Health Office as of Sunday, February 5 consisted of 197,944 people aged 6-17 years (one and two doses) or 89.12 percent dose 1.

While the second dose was recorded at 179,900 or 81.00 percent and the third dose was 88,248 people or the equivalent of 51.45 percent and the fourth dose was 2,124 people or 1.24 percent had been vaccinated against the second booster.

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