Brebes Police Secure 5 Underage Children And 1 Adult Male Related To The Acts Of Obscenity Of Little Girls
Six perpetrators of sexual abuse of minors in Brebes/Photo: Doc. Central Java Police

SEMARANG – The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Brebes Police has found a bright spot in the case of child abuse committed by 6 boys, the majority of whom are underage in Tanjung District, Brebes Regency.

Central Java Police Chief through Kabidhumas Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy said the six suspects were arrested at their respective homes on Tuesday afternoon, January 17.

"The perpetrators were arrested at their respective homes. They consisted of 5 minors and one adult. Currently undergoing investigation by investigators," explained Iqbal, in a written statement, Wednesday, January 18.

"In addition, four people, including the victim's parents, were questioned as witnesses," he added.

The perpetrators, continued Iqbal, had been under investigation by investigators since Tuesday night at 22.00 WIB.

"Investigations are carried out routinely. Underage perpetrators undergo investigator examinations accompanied by officers from the Pekalongan Correctional Center (Bapas). Meanwhile, victims on behalf of WID are also willing to be questioned by investigators. For the examination of victims, they are accompanied by social workers from the Ministry of Social Affairs," he said.

Iqbal stated that the National Police had always been strongly committed to protecting the rights of children and women. Any perpetrators of crimes against children and women will certainly be dealt with strictly in accordance with applicable regulations.

"For the Brebes case, it is certain that it will proceed according to the applicable law. The case is a crime and it is certain that it will be thoroughly investigated," he concluded.

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