Former OVO Employee The Abuse Of Two Children At The Signature Park Tebet Apartment Became A Suspect
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After the case was carried out, the former OVO employee with the initials RIS became a suspect in a domestic violence (KDRT) case against his two children. RIS was reported by his ex-wife, KEY on charges of domestic violence against his two biological children, KR (10) and KA (12) at the Signature Park Apartment on Jalan Letjen MT Haryono Kav. 22-23 Tebet, South Jakarta.

"Determination (suspect) is on Friday after the case is held. After he was questioned on Thursday," said Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi when confirmed, Monday, January 9.

However, RIS has not been detained because he is still being investigated as a suspect.

"It hasn't been (detained) yet, just checked, investigated first," he said.

Meanwhile, Nurma explained that the suspect RIS would be investigated in the near future to strengthen the evidence of determination.

"It is scheduled to be summoned. Tomorrow he will be examined as a suspect," he concluded.

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