Elderly In Tanjung Priok Died In The Room Of Gegara Magicom Burned
Illustration of firefighters/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - One elderly woman (elderly) was reported to have died during a fire on Jalan Sunter Garden Block D5, Sunter Agung, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. Indriati Setiawan, an 80-year-old woman, was trapped in a room until her life was not saved. Apart from Indriati, there were other survivors, namely Edy Kuncoro.

The fire incident occurred in the early hours of Saturday, December 31 at around 3.30 WIB. Based on the report received, witness Robert Gunawan, a neighbor of the victim, said that the source of the fire came from a magicom rice treatment machine on the 2nd floor of the victim's house.

The spark grew and then burned the objects in the victim's house. Indriati, who was in the room at that time, could not come out because of her limited physical condition.

Another witness, Gilang Adytia Permana, the victim's stepson, said that when he came out he had seen the fire grow on the 2nd floor of the house.

A firefighter named Kelang said that after his party received a report, firefighters deployed 13 fire engines. The fire was extinguished at around 05.30 WIB.

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