One Witness Should Be Sufficient To Make A Former OVO Employee Into A Domestic Violence Suspect
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JAKARTA - KEY's attorney, Muhammad Syafri Nur, admitted that he was disappointed with the police, if the alleged perpetrator of domestic violence (KDRT), RIS had not yet been named a suspect on Friday, December 30.

It is known that a former OVO employee, RIS, was policed by his wife, KEY. This happened because the alleged perpetrator committed Domestic Violence (KDRT) against his two children, KR (10) and KA (12) at the Signature Park Apartment on Jalan Letjen MT Haryono Kav. 22-23 Tebet, South Jakarta.

RIS is scheduled to be summoned by the South Jakarta Metro Police on Friday, December 30. It is known that the call was RIS' first examination, after being raised to an investigation status.

"We are disappointed, if we don't become suspects. We should have become suspects. Even if we were examined as witnesses, it could be increased that day," said Syafri when confirmed, Thursday, December 29.

Syafri assessed that RIS could have been named a suspect if he weighed from the statements of witnesses, evidence to the results of the post-mortem. Supposedly, lanut Syafri, the alleged perpetrator has fulfilled it to be made a suspect.

"Yes, it should be strong. Even one witness. That's enough," he concluded.

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