The Deputy Governor Asked Us To Wait For Anies To Know The Fate Of The PSBB Extension
Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan (Source: DKI Pemprov Public Relations)

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Riza Patria has not been able to decide on the extension of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). He wants to wait for Governor Anies Baswedan because all decisions related to this matter are under Anies' direct authority.

"Yes, we will wait for the Governor," Riza told reporters, Sunday, December 20.

In making decisions, Anies will coordinate with experts. Riza asked all parties to be patient regarding the PSBB policy decision.

"Later we will issue policies related to the extension of the PSBB," he said.

Meanwhile, Anies previously decided to extend the implementation of the PSBB for the next 14 days. Thus, the policy was in effect from December 7 to 21.

The decision to extend the transitional PSBB is contained in DKI Jakarta Governor Decree (Kepgub) Number 1193 of 2020. This Kepgub regulates the extension of the large-scale social restriction period during the transition to a healthy, safe and productive society.

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