Tsunami Potential On Soge Pacitan Beach, BNPB Invites Mitigation Citizens With Mangrove Plants
Illustration. Residents bring mangrove seeds to be planted in the coastal waters of Harapan Island, Thousand Islands, DKI Jakarta, May 2021. (Between-Aditya P)

JATIM - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) mitigates the danger of a tsunami on Soge Beach with vegetation. BNPB invites residents around the coast in the Sidomulyo Village area, Pacitan Regency, East Java, to plant mangroves or mangroves.

"The long term is to make vegetation-based mitigation, one of which is by planting mangroves," said BNPB Main Secretary Lilik Kurniawan in a written statement, Monday, December 19, confiscated by Antara.

Lilik said the effort was part of realizing a tsunami disaster-resilient village. There are 10 indicators that have been carried out by Sidomulyo Village, including vegetation mitigation.

He said, previously as many as 200 mangrove plant seeds were symbolically planted on Soge Beach. Meanwhile, the total number of mangroves to be planted on Saturday, December 17 in the area is 2,000 seeds.

According to him, hard plants will also be planted in the Soge Beach area. Of course, this is adapted to suitable plants that can live on the coast.

"This is the government's effort to protect the public against the dangers of a tsunami," he said.

Mangrove plants when a tsunami occurs, he said, function as a natural barrier on the beach to break the waves.

"On the other hand, this plant can be used to prevent abrasion. This planting is not only for disaster management but also for adaptation programs to climate change," said Lilik.

Meanwhile, Sidomulyo Village is one of the 180 selected villages that has received preparedness for earthquakes and tsunamis.

The community preparedness and resilience program in dealing with earthquakes and tsunamis is coordinated through BNPB and BMKG.

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