Four Expert Witnesses At The J Bakal Brigadier Session Give Closed Information
The expert witness presented by the Public Prosecutor to provide information at the trial of the defendant Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi, Richard total, Ricly Rizal and Strong Ma'ruf. (Rizky A-VOI)

A total of four of the six expert witnesses presented at the trial of the murder of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J will give his views or testimony in private. This is because their expertise is related to public security.

Experts who will provide covert information include DNA expert Fira Sania, DNA examining Irfan, chemical and biological examining officer Sirajul Umam, and forensic digital expert Heri Priyanto.

The decision to implement the closed trial began when Fira interrupted the panel of judges. He said his statement could interfere with public security because he would discuss fingerprints and so on.

"As a DNA expert, who will definitely explain the factors regarding DNA in the future. I am afraid that the information I will explain will be used irresponsiblely and will be carried out for crimes," said Fira at the trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, December 14.

The judge immediately responded by asking him to wait in a special witness room. However, the public prosecutor (JPU) said that there were three other experts whose statements could affect public security.

The three are Irfan and Sirajul will later assist Fira in the demonstration around DNA. Meanwhile, Heri Priyanto, who is a digital forensic expert.

"Your permission, related to Pak Heri Priyanto's expertise, has the same behavior as that of DNA, sir," said the prosecutor.

"Please, Your Honor, I am also an expert in the obstruction of justice in court. So that the factors that we explain will affect the people of Your Majesty," said Heri.

"Then the four of them please go out first," said presiding judge Wahyu Iman Santoso.

Meanwhile, the prosecutor should have presented six experts. They will provide views about the actions of the defendants who are considered to have violated the law.

The defendants included Ferdy Sambo, Putri Canpdrawathi, Bharada Richard total E, Bripka Ricky Rizal, and Strong Ma'ruf. They were jointly charged with premeditated murder of Brigadier J.

Thus, in that case they were charged with violating Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to (1) of the Criminal Code.

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