Today, Bharada E Will Faced Directly With Ferdy Sambo-Putri Candrawathi
Richard totaling or Bharada E (left) in court. (Rizky Adytia-VOI)

JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) will present Richard totaling or Bharada E, Strong Ma'ruf and Ricky Rizal or Bripka RR as witnesses in the alleged murder case of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J. Their testimony is intended for both his former boss, Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawati.

The presence of the three as crown witnesses was an order from the panel of judges at the previous trial.

"Brothers (Richard, Ricky, and Strong, ed) will be presented by the public prosecutor as witnesses (for the defendants Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi, ed)," said Chief Judge Wahyu Iman Santosa during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday, December 12, evening.

On the same occasion, Bharada E's legal adviser, Ronny Talapessy, confirmed to the panel of judges that his client would be physically present at the trial.

Meanwhile, Bharada E had submitted an application to provide validity online or online. The reason is that he is a justice collaborator (JC) from the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).

"Please allow the panel, after we have a discussion, the team with Richard totaling, Richard totaling is ready physically for witness examination," said Ronny.

For information, Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi were jointly charged with the murder of Brigadier J at the Police Complex, Duren Tiga.

Ferdy Sambo is referred to as planning the murder. Meanwhile, Putri supports and helps her husband.

Thus, they were charged with violating Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to (1) of the Criminal Code.

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