Concisely, A Baya Woman DIEd By A Self-Owned Car Drivered By Neighbors
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BEKASI A middle-aged woman in South Tambun, Bekasi died when she was hit by her own car while asking her neighbor to move the car. S (53), died instantly with a pathetic condition right on Jalan Rajawali II, Perum Papan Mas, Blok G28, Mangunjaya Village, Tambun Selatan District, Bekasi Regency, Monday, December 12.

Head of Traffic at the Bekasi Metro Police, Kompol Arga Dija Putra, said the incident began when S asked RA for help to move his car.

However, RA, the driver of the Ertiga car with the number B 2956 FVK, actually drove out of control and hit victim S to death on the spot.

"The car driven by RA initially moved backwards. RA intends to move the position of the vehicle because it blocks the dismantling of the tent," he said when confirmed by VOI, Monday, December 12, evening.

However, the rear tire of the vehicle driven by RA fell into a ditch. Then when RA tried to move the vehicle out of control and hit the pedestrian.

"The victim was in front of the car driven by RA. S died at the scene," he said.

It is known that Ertiga's car belonging to the victim was an automatic transmission. Meanwhile, RA does not understand driving an automatic car.

Saat kasus tersebut masih dalam proses penyelidikan Unit Gakkum Sat Lalu Polres Metro Bekasi.

"The case is still under investigation," he said.

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