1 Month After Menuh Dari COVID-19, Warga Sudah Boleh Terima Suntik Vaksin
Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

JAKARTA - One month after being declared cured of COVID-19, the public is allowed to receive further dose vaccinations for all age groups to suppress disease transmission due to the SARS CoV-2 virus.

"This applies to any age group, vaccination can be given one month after being declared cured," said Head of the Surveillance, Epidemiology and Immunization Section of the DKI Health Office, Ngabila Salama in Jakarta, Monday, December 12, quoted by Antara.

As for the elderly (elderly), he continued, one month after being declared cured of COVID-19 and having been at least six months from the third dose, the elderly have been vaccinated against the fourth dose.

For vaccines aged 12 years and over, he said, currently available are Pfizer, zifivax, and indovac brands with sufficient quantities available in a number of health facilities.

"It can cover all the regimens and are provided free of charge. Let's immediately complete the vaccination to survive and don't be picky about vaccine brands, all brands are safe, healthy, useful, quality," he said.

In addition, he appealed to people with comorbidities aged 40 years and over and also the elderly if they had cough symptoms and colds to do an antigen test or PCR for early detection so that it could be handled quickly.

He said the majority of positive cases of COVID-19 who died in the hospital were diagnosed late and PCR was late.

The distance for diagnosis up to death is an average of four to six days based on data on the death of DKI Jakarta July-December 2022.

"Together safe and healthy until this pandemic is declared over. Try to really zero COVID-19 deaths, the way is to optimize the vaccination coverage for doses 1,2,3,4 according to existing regulations," he said.

Based on data from the Ministry of Health as of December 11, 2022 at 17.24 WIB, the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination in Jakarta has reached 12.6 million people or exceeded the target of 10 million people.

Then the second dose reached 10.9 million people, the third dose was 5.2 million people and the fourth dose reached 130,600 people.

Meanwhile, active cases of COVID-19, either treated or isolated, decreased by 957 cases to 8,501 cases based on data from the DKI Health Office through corona.jakarta.go.id as of December 11, 2022.

The number of PCR tests in Jakarta is relatively high, reaching 52,761 people in the past week or exceeding the standards in DKI Jakarta from the World Health Organization (WHO) reaching 10,645 cases.

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