Head Of BNPT Yakin Umar Patek Is A Good Citizen After Being Free From Prison
Head of BNPT Boy Rafli Amar at Polrestabes Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, Thursday (8/12/2022). (ANTARA)
BANDUNG - Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Boy Rafli Amar believes that former terrorism convict Hisyam bin Alizein alias Umar Patek will become a good citizen after being released from prison. According to him, the man who was convicted of being involved in the Bali Bombing I case in 2022 has undergone a deradicalization process. So far, Umar Patek has been cooperative in serving his sentence in prisons. "Very cooperative in cooperation with officers consisting of prison officers, Densus, and BNPT," said Boy at the Bandung Police, Bandung City, West Java, Antara, Thursday, December 8. Meanwhile, Umar Patek officially left the Class I Prison in Surabaya, East Java, on Wednesday, December 7 to take part in the parole program after serving two-thirds of his prison sentence. Meanwhile, Deputy for Enforcement and Development of BNPT's capabilities, Ibnu Suhendra, said that Umar Patek had been cooperative and made a pledge to the Republic of Indonesia. Even though he has left the iron bars, according to him Umar Patek, assistance is still being carried out. “ Time in prison is cooperative. This is a form of the success of deradicalization in prison,” said Ibnu. He said many former terrorism convicts could socialize well when returning to social life. Ibnu also ensured that Umar Patek was very green. "Indicators, in prison invite prisoners to love their homeland, communication is also good," said Ibnu.

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