BNPT And Densus 88 Rekomendasi Kebebasan Bersyarat Umar Patek
Archives - Prisoners of terrorism Umar Patek (left) and his wife Gina Gutierez or Ruqayyah bint Husein Embolno/ANTARA
The Directorate General of PAS of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Ditjen PAS Kemenkumham) said that the parole of terrorist convicts of the Bali Bomb I, Hisyam bin Alizein alias Umar Patek, had received recommendations from two institutions. One of them, the Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT). "Giving PB to Umar Patek has also been recommended by the National Counterterrorism Agency or BNPT and Special Detachment 88 or Densus 88," said the Public Relations and Protocol Coordinator of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Rika Aprianti, to reporters in a written statement, Wednesday, December 7. Umar juga disebut Rika telah memenuhi syarat khusus, yaitu telah mengikuti program pembinaan deradikalissi dan telah berjanji ketati pada NKRI. Kemudian, dia juga telah memenuhi syarat lain seperti berbicara baik hingga menjalankan masa hukum selama dua Takhir. After receiving parole, Umar is now a Correctional client of Fathers Surabaya and is required to take guidance until 2030. "If there was a violation at that time, his conditional rights would be revoked," said Rika. Umar Patek is a former member of Jamaah Islamiyah who was involved in acts of terrorism. He was hunted by Indonesia, the United States, and Australia. In fact, the Rewards For Justice Program once offered a prize of 1 million US dollars for anyone who could provide information to make arrests. In 2011, Umar was arrested by Pakistani security forces in Abbotabad. Subsequently, he claimed to have played a role in the 2002 Bali Bombings and Christmas Eve 2000. In 2012, he was later sentenced to 20 years in prison for his actions. He was found guilty in six counts, including in a church attack on Christmas Eve in 2000.

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