Jatinegara Police Have Tightened Guard At The Pascaledakan Entrance At The Astanaanyar Police, Bandung
The police are guarding the Jatinegera Police, East Jakarta/ Photo; Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

After the suicide bombing at the Asyananyar Police, Bandung, West Java on Wednesday, December 7, the security of all police stations at the East Jakarta Metro Police was tightened.

As seen in the Jatinegara Police Headquarters. The police again tightened guard on the entrance of visitors.

Armed officers were fully stationed at the entrance to the Mapolsek located on Jalan Otista Raya, Jatinegara, East Jakarta.

From journalists' observation, all the luggage of the residents who visited the community service office was first checked by officers. Residents wearing jackets were also asked to open.

Deputy Head of Jatinegara Police, AKP Tikno, said that his party was carrying out the attention of the Polda Metro Jaya to secure anticipation regarding the incident at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung.

"So we are guarding the command of the Jatinegara Police, examining guests who enter the Jatinegara Police so that things don't happen that are not desirable," he told reporters at the location, Wednesday, December 7, afternoon.

Strict guarding will continue until an undetermined time limit. This tight guard is carried out at all Polsek in East Jakarta.

"The SOP is the same as the attention, guard until later there is further order," he said.

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